4 Eco-Friendly Landscape Design Ideas for Naperville, IL Homes

4 Eco-Friendly Landscape Design Ideas for Naperville IL Homes

The changing climate is one of the biggest problems in the world and individual humans can actually do quite a lot to help fix it. One of the most important steps homeowners can take is to adopt an ecologically-conscious landscape design. That doesn’t mean that anyone needs to turn their landscape into a barren moonscape filled with succulents. A few tweaks can make a huge difference. Here are four eco-friendly landscape design ideas for Naperville, IL homes.

Permeable Pavers for Controlling Runoff

In a natural environment, rain seeps into the ground and any excess flows downstream on the surface. Solid surface driveways (asphalt and concrete) decrease the surface area of the ground that can absorb rainwater and increases runoff.

Permeable pavers are a good solution for this issue as they let rain absorb between the joints into a special substrate so water enters the ground naturally. Permeable pavers can be used on driveways, walkways, patios, and pool decks, and come in a variety of gorgeous colors, textures, and styles.

LED Landscape Lighting

A few steps can dramatically reduce your electrical use while you enjoy an attractively and safely illuminated landscape. The first step is to replace incandescent or halogen fixtures with low-voltage LED lighting. The second step is to create a strategic lighting plan to illuminate an area in ways that don’t destroy the nighttime appeal, yet provide plenty of safety and activity-appropriate lighting. Old-school floodlights mounted on the side of the house produce a wide and inconsistent spectrum of light from bright and direct glares to harsh and contrasting shadows. However, strategically-placed LED lights along a path or set into a masonry retaining wall will never interfere with eyesight and create a safe and pleasing ambiance and completely change the feel of your backyard.

Xeriscaping with Native Plants

Xeriscaping is rooted in being in harmony with nature and making the conscious choice to populate your landscape with an array of beautiful native plants that are perfectly suited to thrive in your ecosystem. Native plants are adapted to harsh winter and summer conditions and don’t need more water than what the region provides in rainfall and snowfall.

Many homeowners are replacing sections of their lawn with natives - effectively eliminating the “food desert” expanses of grass that provide no habitat for local wildlife.

More Living Space, Less Work

If you don’t have a need for a lawn - for example, if you don’t have kids or a dog - then you could consider expanding the size of your outdoor living space using permeable pavers and replacing part of your lawn with xeriscaping.

First, you’ll use your backyard more if you have an attractive and functional space to hang out and entertain in; and second, you’ll reduce your water use as well as the time needed to maintain the landscape. As well, if you make your backyard an attractive place for local wildlife and pollinators, you’ll have a much more vibrant place to call your own.

Professional Irrigation

Decrease water use while encouraging a lush and beautiful landscape with a professional irrigation system. Automatic timers and settings can be calibrated for specific plants in each location, all in a system that stays out of sight, out of mind. This eliminates the need for waking up super early in the morning to water the landscape before the daytime summer heat bears down. While drastically reducing the amount of water needed for proper irrigation, you can sleep in or focus on the next great eco-project!


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