A Quick Look at Landscaping Maintenance and What We Offer in Wheaton and Hinsdale, IL

A Quick Look at Landscaping Maintenance and What We Offer in Wheaton and Hinsdale, IL

Keeping a landscape looking vibrant and healthy through the years requires constant attention and labor. Not only do many landscape maintenance tasks require quite a lot of hard work, they also require specialized knowledge. Before you get started on this year’s landscaping maintenance, take a quick look at landscaping maintenance and what we offer in Wheaton and Hinsdale, IL.

A Trimmed and Healthy Lawn

Mowing is definitely one of the most common landscaping maintenance tasks that keeps your lawn looking great. Keeping a lawn is an integral part of American culture and it’s hard to imagine a home without one. However, many lawns are mowed improperly. Mowing to the wrong height is one of the most common mistakes: mowing too short and the soil loses moisture too quickly; and mowing too long can cause excess moisture. Our landscaping professionals will mow your lawn to the correct height to maintain optimal grass health.

Another common mistake is using dull mower blades. Dull mower blades will rip and tear at the grass, causing cellular damage. This is what causes ugly brown tips - and worse, tearing at the grass invites disease. Our landscape maintenance professionals will keep their mower blades sharp, ensuring a clean slice through the leaves that the plant can quickly and easily repair.

Edging is another task often neglected in the interest of time savings. Not all edges have to have a military-style buzz cut to look neatly trimmed, but it’s a task you want to stay on top of to help prevent grass from creeping into plant beds or over your walkways and driveway. Whether you prefer a neatly trimmed look or a softer look, our landscaping professionals will edge your lawn to perfection.

Beautifully Shaped Trees and Shrubs

Regular pruning helps ensure tree and shrub health. Pruning is the strategic trimming and sculpting that removes overgrown, unhealthy, diseased, or dead, limbs. Whether a tree is obscuring a beautiful view or growing too close to the house; or shrubs are invading your driveway or choking the view from your living room window, some pruning will need to happen. Aside from being dangerous work, tree trimming requires expert knowledge. Our tree care experts how much to remove at one time to prevent shocking the tree while giving it the most attractive look. Even hedge trimming must be done thoughtfully to prevent damage.

A Weed Situation That’s Under Control

Weeds can quickly take over a landscape if given the chance - and it’s ongoing work to prevent weeds from germinating and to eliminate those that have sprouted. Neglecting weed control for even one season can mean exponentially more work the following year. Our landscaping professionals will apply pre-emergent herbicides to prevent weeds from germinating; and post-emergent herbicides to remove visible weeds before the plants go to seed. The application of herbicides must be done with extreme care to prevent accidentally damaging or killing desirable vegetation, and to ensure safety of the homeowners and their pets.

A Fresh Look

Many homeowners want to freshen up their front yard every year with seasonal color. Landscaping professionals can help you choose the best plants for the local climate, and design, plant annuals and perennials, and maintain gorgeous beds that are a joy to look at all season. Refreshing mulch is another seasonal task that will keep your plant beds looking tidy. And in the backyard, we can create a more back-to-nature feel by adding plantings directly adjacent to your patio. This more integrated natural look will create a serene setting for relaxing and entertaining.


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